
The Road Less Taken, Pt. 2


Gary Black was instrumental in the formation of the ‘World Race’ missions project. As a result, thousands of young people have been challenged in their faith. Sometimes to the breaking point; other times to incredible breakthroughs. What makes the difference? Gary learned it all has to do with mentoring and leadership, in the situation and through the pain.

Gary took those lessons to the next level with the G42 Leadership Academy.

Yet all through his story of selfless service and incredible faith was the burden of incredible tragedy. How does it all fit together? How is God truly ‘making all things work together for good…’

Bram and Gary dive deep in this three-part series and discover God’s hand all over the place, even when it seems impossible. You can learn more about all of Gary’s projects at: GaryAndLisaBlack.com.

If you – or someone you know – is facing struggles with depression, anxiety or suicidal thoughts, there are wonderful Christ-centered ministries available to help right now, and free of charge. We highly recommend our friends at Death 2 Life as a starting point. Please don’t hesitate to contact them today

[Encore Presentation]

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