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Fighting for Life (Part 1)


Louise Allard, is President and CEO at Alliance for Life International, which specializes in faith-based, life-affirming, non-profit human rights programs committed to assisting and encouraging  global neighbors  in building cultures of life in which preborn children are welcome, and the lives of those who are weak and vulnerable are protected. For the next few days […]

Kenya Believe It? Part 4


Sonia Crawley and Sonji Pass began serving in Kenya, East Africa in 2004.  These two remarkable women, founded “Kenya Believe it” ministries and have trained and led short-term teams and implemented socio-economic village projects.  With a focus on Church Planting and Women’s Ministry.  Their greatest desire is to make visible God’s heart for His people […]

Kenya Believe It? Part 3


Sonia Crawley and Sonji Pass began serving in Kenya, East Africa in 2004.  These two remarkable women, founded “Kenya Believe it” ministries and have trained and led short-term teams and implemented socio-economic village projects.  With a focus on Church Planting and Women’s Ministry.  Their greatest desire is to make visible God’s heart for His people […]

Kenya Believe It? Part 1


Sonia Crawley and Sonji Pass began serving in Kenya, East Africa in 2004.  These two remarkable women, founded “Kenya Believe it” ministries and have trained and led short-term teams and implemented socio-economic village projects.  With a focus on Church Planting and Women’s Ministry.  Their greatest desire is to make visible God’s heart for His people […]

Back from the brink


Today Bram talks with John Saggiani. A man who had the world on a string. Success in business, cars, homes, the golden parachute, you name it. Then it all came crashing down with the recession. Stay with us as he shares how God lifted him up from the bottom and turned his eyes towards serving […]

Keepers of the peace that passes all understanding Part 4


So many of us are completely unaware of the incredible pressure that our law enforcement officers face on a daily basis. Many of them see more human tragedy in a week, than most of us will see in a lifetime. Today on Compassion Radio Bram talks with Eric and Kim Bauer the founders of Shield […]

Keepers of the peace that passes all understanding Part 3


So many of us are completely unaware of the incredible pressure that our law enforcement officers face on a daily basis. Many of them see more human tragedy in a week, than most of us will see in a lifetime. Today on Compassion Radio Bram talks with Eric and Kim Bauer the founders of Shield […]

Keepers of the peace that passes all understanding Part 2


So many of us are completely unaware of the incredible pressure that our law enforcement officers face on a daily basis. Many of them see more human tragedy in a week, than most of us will see in a lifetime. Today on Compassion Radio Bram talks with Eric and Kim Bauer the founders of Shield […]

Being real in Jesus Part 3


Recently Bram sat down with legendary songwriter and contemporary Christian music pioneer John Fischer. They talked about the genesis of that musical genre and how it grew and changed as the culture evolved during 1960s and 70s. They talked about the past, present and future role of the Christian church. How to have an effective […]

Being real in Jesus Part 2


Recently Bram sat down with legendary songwriter and contemporary Christian music pioneer John Fischer. They talked about the genesis of that musical genre and how it grew and changed as the culture evolved during 1960s and 70s. They talked about the past, present and future role of the Christian church. How to have an effective […]

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