Canva - Grey Condenser Microphone

Bound Together by Love (Part 2)


Today, Bram’s wife Sandi continues a conversation with Amy Young of Velvet Ashes. A ministry whose purpose is to connect the hearts of women who are separated by geography but bound together by a life of serving overseas. Amy and her team are uniquely qualified to serve as mentors to these women, because they themselves have lived […]

Making a Real Difference in India (Part 3)


A while back, Bram had the chance to speak with The Reverend C Benjamin of The India Gospel League. This is a ministry that does more than just talk about helping people. They’re making a real difference, both spiritually and in a practical hands-on way, in the lives of countless people in India.

Making a Real Difference in India (Part 2)


A while back, Bram had the chance to speak with The Reverend C Benjamin of The India Gospel League. This is a ministry that does more than just talk about helping people. They’re making a real difference, both spiritually and in a practical hands-on way, in the lives of countless people in India.

Making a Real Difference in India (Part 1)


A while back, Bram had the chance to speak with The Reverend C Benjamin of The India Gospel League. This is a ministry that does more than just talk about helping people. They’re making a real difference, both spiritually and in a practical hands-on way, in the lives of countless people in India.

Lord is that you? The rockin’ tale of Lady Sarah Part 2


Sarah Yardley is the director of Creation fest! A huge youth oriented organization, in Cornwall England, that ministers the love of God to the youth in the UK with live music, preaching, artists and other gifted performers! Sarah was born and raised in sunny southern California. Today she shares her story with Bram, about how […]

Lord is that you? The rockin’ tale of Lady Sarah Part 1


Sarah Yardley is the director of Creation fest! A huge youth oriented organization, in Cornwall England, that ministers the love of God to the youth in the UK with live music, preaching, artists and other gifted performers! Sarah was born and raised in sunny southern California. Today she shares her story with Bram, about how […]

And if Necessary, use Words ( Part 2)


Today, Bram connects with Jerry and Sharon Graham, an American couple living in Jordan. God has given them a unique ministry to the people of that country, in that He has called them not build churches and raise up leaders, but instead to simply be with the people. To love them with the love of […]

Blooming where God Plants You (Part 2)


Recently, Bram received an email via from a Pastor named Josh Manning here is the US. He was writing Bram to tell him about the incredibly unique pastoral ministry that God had given him in his hometown of Noel Missouri, and to simply thank Bram for the broadcast. Well, Bram was so moved by […]

Never Ever Give Up! (Part 2)


Today, Bram concludes a powerful two-part conversation with Sharron Grammer of Fighting Cancer Inc, an organization whose mission is to encourage and provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support to those diagnosed with cancer, their caregivers, and friends. If you or a loved one are dealing with a cancer diagnosis, Sharron’s “never give up” attitude is going […]

Fighting for Life (Part 2)


Louise Allard, is President and CEO at Alliance for Life International, which specializes in faith-based, life-affirming, non-profit human rights programs committed to assisting and encouraging  global neighbors  in building cultures of life in which preborn children are welcome, and the lives of those who are weak and vulnerable are protected. For the next few days […]

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