Bram & Sandi take on the subject of Modern-Day Revival…
In Asbury, KY, a regularly-scheduled chapel took a turn toward the interesting, shall we say? And as a result, hundreds of students, faculty and friends from the community were suddenly taken up into something completely unexpected… and wonderful. God Himself seemed to have shown up in a very personal, penetrating way. It wasn’t long before the whole world took notice. Soon after, similar reports were coming in from a handful of other colleges and universities across America. Only one word could describe it: “REVIVAL“.
So, is this phenomena genuine? If so, how does it fit in with the history of Revivals and ‘Great Awakenings’ in Church history? How do we take it seriously without over-hyping the particulars? Well, it calls for wisdom and expectancy. Bram and Sandi cover it all in this multi-part series.
To read personal testimonies from the Asbury Revival, Click Here…