Peter Rosenberger’s back for Part 2 of an important conversation on how we respond to crises. For Peter and Gracie, the recent horrific tragedy in Nashville, TN was deeply personal. The Covenant Church was their home church for almost 20 years and they had an important role in cultivating the worship life of that community. Their personal friends died in a hail of bullets.
Because of their personal story dealing with wave after wave of medical crises and setbacks, the Rosenbergers are uniquely qualified to care for others going through unexpected tragedy. And that’s exactly what Peter did in the wake of the Nashville massacre. Bram and Peter discuss at length what it all means, and what it meant to him, personally, in this three-part series.
To learn more about Peter and Gracie Rosenberger and their ministry to the hurting, discouraged and selfless servants, Click Here…
To learn more about Peter’s weekly radio ministry to caregivers, Click Here…
[Encore Presentation]