No sooner had Daniel Plett survived one of the worst traumas a man can endure, he faced a whole other level of challenge. When we last sat down at his home in Bratislava, Slovakia to talk about the loss of his wife to cancer and how the ‘Year of Firsts’ was going with his three high school and college aged children, things were looking up. They had spent some important time together healing and rebooting their lives. Their oldest was off to college at Wheaton University. Their middle son was busy pursuing a promising sports scholarship. Their youngest was looking forward to being mentored by a new set of ‘surrogate moms.’
Then… COVID hit, and all their forward-looking plans were disrupted and derailed. Still, Daniel found a way to pursue, persist and persevere – as a dad; as a missionary; as a leader in his home church. All these stories intertwine in ways only God could orchestrate, and their focused, faithful response to the challenges the Pletts faced is very instructive to us.
Part 1 of an important series…
[Encore Presentation]