we believe god exists.
We believe that God has expressed himself through these three unique persons. God has also revealed himself to man through nature and the Holy Scriptures.
God created us for relationship.
Men and women have spoken of God and described mankind’s relationship to him throughout the centuries. They have written down their confessions. The Apostle’s Creed, Nicene Creed and The Westminster Confession work together to explain what we believe to be true about God and ourselves, his children.
We believe that all men and women have failed to live up to God’s perfect standard and are separated from God because of it. There was a brokenness, a divide between us and God. We deserved nothing less than death, eternal separation from God. But he wasn’t surprised by this. He always had a plan to buy us back, to redeem us, from the slavery of sin. God showed his outrageous love for us by having compassion even though we deserved to be punished.
He did this through the life and work of Jesus.
When Jesus was crucified on the cross, he took our punishment, our death sentence, on himself. Our death sentence, or eternal separation from God, was wiped out.
We love others in response to god’s love.
We believe that Christians of all stripes must compassionately work together to tell the world about God’s crazy love and desire for relationship with us.
What can I do in response?
1. Repent of my sin.
2. Surrender to Jesus.
3. Call out to God, himself.
4. Tell others what God has done for me.
Repentance doesn’t mean simply being sorry for my past. It means resolutely turning my back on my past life and being willing for Jesus to take the old ways out of my life forever. It may mean I must make restitution where my sin has affected someone else.
I must let him be in charge of my life as well as my Savior. I must let him take possession of my life and agree to obey his word, the Bible. I do that by reading the Bible so I know what it says and praying constantly about my actions and decisions.
If I am willing to accept the gift as well as the obligations, there is nothing stopping me from becoming a Christian right now. I must simply open my heart and invite him to come in and do his redeeming work.
I must not be ashamed of belonging to him, but accept his commandment to tell others. I can expect to suffer for doing this, but I will receive his reward for my faithfulness. He may make exacting demands, but he also gives wonderful rewards. Nothing can compare with the joy of really knowing him.
To do this I can pray a simple prayer such as this:
Lord Jesus, I humbly acknowledge that I have sinned in my thinking and speaking and acting, and that my sins have separated me from you and your Father, and I am helpless to change this myself.
I firmly believe that you died on the cross for my sins.
I have carefully thought about what it means to accept you as my Savior, and I sincerely repent, turning away from my past sins. I surrender myself to you as my Lord. Help me not to ever be ashamed of following you, but to love you with all my heart.
I believe you have been waiting for me to allow you into my life, and I ask you now, Lord Jesus, come into my life, take away my sin and make me a new creation.
I thank you and praise you that you always keep your word.
Welcome to the family!
If you have prayed this prayer for the first time, please let us know so that we can pray for you and send you some materials to help you get started in this wonderful new life in Christ.
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