Ministry in a Time of War, Pt. 2

John White felt all his passions in life coming together in Ukraine. He loved Theology. He loved the people of Ukraine. He even married one. So he settled in and began teaching a new generation of Christian leaders where they fit in the ‘big scheme’ of things. Things were looking good and the future bright. […]
Ministry in a Time of War, Pt. 1

John White felt all his passions in life coming together in Ukraine. He loved Theology. He loved the people of Ukraine. He even married one. So he settled in and began teaching a new generation of Christian leaders where they fit in the ‘big scheme’ of things. Things were looking good and the future bright. […]
Light of the Church and the Shadow of War: Ukraine, Pt. 10

Today’s guest had her hands full managing a booming Worship Arts Program at UETS, the Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary. Then the world fell apart. As Maryna Yarmalenka struggled to help a hundred students escape the violence descending on their University, she also had to make hard decisions about how to save her own family. Things […]
SERVE Ukraine, Pt. 4

As a church planting coach and spiritual mentor, Maia Mikhaluk had her hands full. Add to that being a mom and new grandmother, and the life challenges – and joys – were piling up. Then Russia decided to invade her country. She had some choices to make, and they were not easy ones. But they […]
SERVE Ukraine, Pt. 3

As a church planting coach and spiritual mentor, Maia Mikhaluk had her hands full. Add to that being a mom and new grandmother, and the life challenges – and joys – were piling up. Then Russia decided to invade her country. She had some choices to make, and they were not easy ones. But they […]
Light of the Church and the Shadow of War: Ukraine, Pt. 9

Today’s guest never expected to be on the frontlines and yet the sleepy border town of Galati, Romania is suddenly thrust into a point forward position for receiving thousands and thousands of Refugees streaming out of the southern Ukrainian city of Odessa. This major coastal port and strategic military hug is soon to be under […]
Serve Ukraine: Pt. 1

What if 4 million people dropped in on you without warning? What would you do? Well, the world is finding out right now as one man’s hubris and arrogance has thrown the world off balance. Ukraine, of course is the Victim in this narrative and are enduring unimaginable pain and trauma. Millions of its citizens […]
Light of the Church and the Shadow of War: Ukraine, Pt. 10

Today’s guest had her hands full managing a booming Worship Arts Program at UETS, the Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary. Then the world fell apart. As Maryna Yarmalenka struggled to help a hundred students escape the violence descending on their University, she also had to make hard decisions about how to save her own family. Things […]
Light of the Church and the Shadow of War: Ukraine, Pt. 9

Today’s guest never expected to be on the frontlines and yet the sleepy border town of Galati, Romania is suddenly thrust into a point forward position for receiving thousands and thousands of Refugees streaming out of the southern Ukrainian city of Odessa. This major coastal port and strategic military hug is soon to be under […]
Light of the Church and the Shadow of War: Ukraine, Pt. 8

Today’s guest wasn’t born in Ukraine, but he might as well have been. His heart is definitely planted there. For 40 years, Fred Heumann and his ministry “MusicWorks” has trained multiple generations of worship leaders around the world and helped them to discover their own ‘voice.’ That mission eventually put him at the center of […]