
When Giving Thanks Matters


Today, the entire nation follows the example of their forefathers in thanking God for His unearned favor and mercy. At least that’s the way it’s supposed to be, if you read any of the hundreds of Thanksgiving Day proclamations made over the centuries. Mark Young, President of Denver Seminary, joins Bram today to take a […]

The Two Sides of Thanksgiving – CR CLASSIC


When nothing seems to have go to plan for holidays, it has always been a genuine struggle for our Christian family around the world to be together. They have a lot to teach us about giving thanks in trying times. There’s no better Thanksgiving than this one to let them teach us. In this classic […]

When Giving Thanks Matters


Today, the entire nation follows the example of their forefathers in thanking God for His unearned favor and mercy. At least that’s the way it’s supposed to be, if you read any of the hundreds of Thanksgiving Day proclamations made over the centuries. Mark Young, President of Denver Seminary, joins Bram today to take a […]

When Giving Thanks Matters


Today, the entire nation follows the example of their forefathers in thanking God for His unearned favor and mercy. At least that’s the way it’s supposed to be, if you read any of the hundreds of Thanksgiving Day proclamations made over the centuries. Mark Young, President of Denver Seminary, joins Bram today to take a […]

The Two Sides of Thanksgiving – CR CLASSIC


What a Thanksgiving it’s been in 2021! While nothing seems to have gone to plan for holidays in the past two years, it has always been a genuine struggle for our Christian family around the world to be together. They have a lot to teach us about giving thanks in trying times. There’s no better […]

When Giving Thanks Matters


Today, the entire nation follows the example of their forefathers in thanking God for His unearned favor and mercy. At least that’s the way it’s supposed to be, if you read any of the hundreds of Thanksgiving Day proclamations made over the centuries. Mark Young, President of Denver Seminary, joins Bram today to take a […]

The Two Sides of Thanksgiving – CR CLASSIC


What a Thanksgiving it’s been in 2020! While nothing seems to have gone to plan this holiday season, it has always been a genuine struggle for our Christian family around the world to be together. They have a lot to teach us about giving thanks in trying times. There’s no better Thanksgiving than this one […]

When Giving Thanks Matters


Today, the entire nation follows the example of their forefathers in thanking God for His unearned favor and mercy. At least that’s the way it’s supposed to be, if you read any of the hundreds of Thanksgiving Day proclamations made over the centuries. Mark Young, President of Denver Seminary, joins Bram today to take a […]

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