
The Fight We’re In, Pt. 2


Dan Geroy is a frontline fighter. He and his wife, Ann, have a thriving counseling ministry through their non-profit ‘Mt. Horeb House.’ They’ve gone fearlessly where our most gnawing fears reside, helping truth-seekers unpack the lies that prevent real breakthroughs in their spiritual lives. In an ‘Age of Fear’ the power of TRUTH to transform […]

The Fight We’re In, Pt. 1


Dan Geroy is a frontline fighter. He and his wife, Ann, have a thriving counseling ministry through their non-profit ‘Mt. Horeb House.’ They’ve gone fearlessly where our most gnawing fears reside, helping truth-seekers unpack the lies that prevent real breakthroughs in their spiritual lives. In an ‘Age of Fear’ the power of TRUTH to transform […]

A Wing and a Prayer, Pt. 2


Dan Whitehead decided he wanted to fly. And not just to someplace. He wanted to fly for a purpose. So he trained for the ‘glamorous’ life of a Missions Pilot. For decades now, he’s been part of a truly elite team of professionals who have seen more of humanity and God’s Kingdom than most others […]

A Wing and a Prayer, Pt. 1


Dan Whitehead decided he wanted to fly. And not just to someplace. He wanted to fly for a purpose. So he trained for the ‘glamorous’ life of a Missions Pilot. For decades now, he’s been part of a truly elite team of professionals who have seen more of humanity and God’s Kingdom than most others […]

Chasing the Word: John 11, Pt. 3


Today, Bram and Sandi continue a whole new ‘Chasing the Word’ series on the Book of John. What makes this particular Gospel so ‘Dynamic’? We’ll find out together each Monday in 2021! For a Study Guide on this Chapter, including an excerpt from our exclusive release of this exciting new translation, Click Here… To order […]

From Tough Guy to Jesus Guy – CR CLASSIC


He was packing heat but the little lady offering him a cold drink didn’t know that. She also didn’t know he was in organized crime using this painting job as a cover. So they sat and talked.  Soon the conversation turned an unexpected direction, and Brian Marcoux’s life was never the same. You’ll hear all […]

Reaching for Life, Pt. 3


There’s a hidden tragedy we need to address, and it’s not COVID. It’s costing thousands of lives every year, and the numbers are going up. WAY up. I’m talking about suicide. There is no doubt that the financial, political, social and emotional struggles brought on by inconceivable toll of the Corona virus will continue to […]

Reaching for Life, Pt. 2


There’s a hidden tragedy we need to address, and it’s not COVID. It’s costing thousands of lives every year, and the numbers are going up. WAY up. I’m talking about suicide. There is no doubt that the financial, political, social and emotional struggles brought on by inconceivable toll of the Corona virus will continue to […]

Reaching for Life, Pt. 1


There’s a hidden tragedy we need to address, and it’s not COVID. It’s costing thousands of lives every year, and the numbers are going up. WAY up. I’m talking about suicide. There is no doubt that the financial, political, social and emotional struggles brought on by inconceivable toll of the Corona virus will continue to […]

Chasing the Word: John 11, Pt. 2


Today, Bram and Sandi continue a whole new ‘Chasing the Word’ series on the Book of John. What makes this particular Gospel so ‘Dynamic’? We’ll find out together each Monday in 2021! For a Study Guide on this Chapter, including an excerpt from our exclusive release of this exciting new translation, Click Here… To order […]

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