CR360: Advent, Pt. 2 – “A Star In The Sky”


Bram and Sandi present the second installment of an ADVENT Series as they highlight some powerful profiles from the Scriptures. Immerse yourself in the action as Key Characters in the Redemption Story come to life through dramatic readings. This Week, the Story of a Prophet, a King and Wise Men from the East, in a […]

CR360: Advent, Pt. 2 – “A Star In The Sky”


Bram and Sandi present the second installment of a new ADVENT Series as they highlight some powerful profiles from the Scriptures. Immerse yourself in the action as Key Characters in the Redemption Story come to life through dramatic readings. This Week, the Story of a Prophet, a King and Wise Men from the East, in […]

CR360: Advent, Pt. 2 – “A Star In The Sky”


Bram and Sandi present the second installment of a new ADVENT Series as they highlight some powerful profiles from the Scriptures. Immerse yourself in the action as Key Characters in the Redemption Story come to life through dramatic readings. This Week, the Story of a Prophet, a King and Wise Men from the East, in […]

Chasing the Word [ADVENT-Week2]


Bram and Sandi present the second installment of a new ADVENT Series as they highlight some powerful profiles from the Scriptures. Immerse yourself in the action as Key Characters in the Redemption Story come to life through dramatic readings. This Week, the Story of a Prophet, a King and Wise Men from the East, in […]

Chasing the Word [ADVENT-Week2]


Bram and Sandi present the second installment of a new ADVENT Series as they highlight some powerful profiles from the Scriptures. Immerse yourself in the action as Key Characters in the Redemption Story come to life through dramatic readings. This Week, the Story of a Prophet, a King and Wise Men from the East, in […]

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