Canva - Gold Condenser Microphone Near Laptop Computer (1)

Remember & Forget – Themes for a New Year – CR CLASSIC


Looking forward to amazing things in 2025? So are we. Sometimes discovering the ‘new’ means first forgetting the ‘old.’ An even a simply inventory of last year tells us plenty about what needs to be forgotten. But not everything… Enjoy this Compassion Radio CLASSIC message from our longtime president and host, the late Rev. Dr. Norm […]

Remember & Forget – Themes for a New Year – CR CLASSIC


Looking forward to amazing things in 2024? So are we. Sometimes discovering the ‘new’ means first forgetting the ‘old.’ An even a simply inventory of last year tells us plenty about what needs to be forgotten. But not everything… Enjoy this Compassion Radio CLASSIC message from our longtime president and host, the late Rev. Dr. Norm […]

Remember & Forget – Themes for a New Year – CR CLASSIC


Looking forward to amazing things in 2021? So are we. Sometimes discovering the ‘new’ means first forgetting the ‘old.’ An even a simply inventory of 2020 tells us plenty about what needs to be forgotten. But not everything… Enjoy this Compassion Radio CLASSIC message from our longtime president and host, the late Rev. Dr. Norm Nelson

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vision team

THE COMPASSION RADIO VISION TEAM is a group of monthly donors who make it possible for us to sponsor the amazing projects you hear about each month. Our special END OF THE YEAR GOAL is to add 200 new vision team members for First Quarter 2021. Will you join us today? Read more about the vision team here

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