
CR360: “Reverse Bucket List”


Today, Bram & Sandi continue a new Friday series focused on world events and the ‘Kingdom Response’. Through scripture, word and song, we’ll put a whole new spin on what’s happening in the world, right now. Today: A motion picture titled “The Bucket List” captured the imagination of millions and stamped the concept on the modern psyche. It asks the question “What makes life meaningful?” Since ancient times, the Word of God has faced this dilemma face-on. As we face the uncomfortable realization that Life as we’ve known it won’t go on forever, what’s there to hope for? Why try so hard? Why not just enjoy yourself for as long as you can? Today, Bram and Sandi take a Word-centered look at the latest research coming out of Harvard University on this very issue…

To read the article that inspired today’s discussion, CLICK HERE

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