UKRAINE: Special Appeal

Friends, the reports from Ukraine are horrific. One of the world’s most Christian and Missions-focused countries is under unprecedented attack. Many of our friends who minister to the booming churches there, and who train missionaries, pastors, worship leaders and Kingdom servants are directly in the line of fire. Along with our ministry partners on the […]
The Way of the Samaritan

[COLOR, CREED, COVID and COMPASSION] (Transcript of 01/22/2021 Friday Broadcast) I learned an important truth this past year, one that required some serious adjustment to the way I think, act, judge the motivations of others and even the way I approach the Word of God. And the statement goes like this: Emotions tell the truth about what […]
How Can GOOD FRIDAY Truly Be “Good”?

This Good Friday doesn’t look so good in the news. One quick glance at the headlines this morning was, frankly, depressing: Parents sentenced to life for torturing their own children; Two administrations in a row ignoring massive cyber attacks that have gravely diminished trust in our democratic system; Two young teen girls hatching a […]
What Changes in 20 Years?

As we come into the final stretch of our 2019 Door of Hope Campaign, I’ve been thinking a lot about what changes in two decades. Yesterday I was rummaging through old family pictures. There are toddler pics of our kids being doted on by smiling grandparents – some of whom are now ‘Heaven-home.’ There are hilarious […]
“Refugee is Not a Four-Letter Word” or “The Law of Intended Consequences”

Yesterday was “World Refugee Day.” 1 The short introduction to the U.N. page on this event states simply “…the time is now to show that the global public stands with refugees.” Put another way: “We the people stand with people, especially those in dire circumstances.” Think about that for a moment. It is a pro-life, […]
Greece’s Island of Despair (The Latest on Syrian Refugees in Greece…)

[Note from Bram: This excellent piece expands on my firsthand report from September, 2017.] Text by ILIANA MAGRA MARCH 29, 2018 A Syrian family trying to keep warm at a makeshift camp near Moria, on the Greek island of Lesbos. CreditMauricio Lima for The New York Times His brown eyes sunken and flat, Jahangir Baroch had spent another […]
SALHAR and the Future of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

Dateline: Beka’a Valley, Lebanon I’m traveling the breadth of Lebanon this week, following some of the most inspiring people you’ll ever meet as they do incredible work. The Gospel is going out with Power here, and redeeming people in amazing ways. In turn, our on-the-ground partners have been introducing me to the beautiful people God […]
Who Speaks for the Fallen?

“Though he is fallen asleep, God will not leave him In this forgetfulness. Awakened, he Will laugh to think what troublous dreams he had… Who, when the appointed Day shall dawn, escapes From dark imaginings that haunted him, And turns with laughter on his phantom griefs When he beholds his everlasting home.” Rumi – The […]